Let the festivities begin!
It is November and that means the holidays have arrived. We have 27 days until Thanksgiving here in the US and including today we have eight Sundays until Christmas. Did your shoulders just lift to your ears?
Inhale, exhale. It’s all going to get done. It always does. You can either stress it or you can embrace it.
If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, I have something special for you. It’s my Thanksgiving Guide & Checklist. Everything you need to ensure a smooth and delicious Thanksgiving!
You’ll find table decor, recipes, turkey tips and more. (There are side dish recipes and a fabulous appetizer recipe in there too in case you are only in charge of one of those.)
In addition to the normal Wednesday essays and The Sunday Savorings, over the next few weeks, I will be adding in some additional holiday posts. My favorite Christmas decor finds, gift guides, holiday tablescape ideas and more. I hope you enjoy!
The Freedom to Vote
Tuesday is our day America. It is up to each of us to create a country we want to live in and can be proud of. Vote this Tuesday. Here are a few rights you should know about when you go to vote.
This Quote
“In a world that wants women to whisper, I choose to yell.” - Luvvie Ajayi
Feeling that strongly this week.
Being Grateful
I get into bed at night and I pray. Most days I ask for nothing. Instead, I mentally relive and give thanks for everything from the day that I am grateful for. I list everything I can think of. Of course my family, shelter, food and water.
The real fun is in finding all of the other, less obvious, moments from the day that brought you joy. The vanity plate that made you smile instead of rolling your eyes, the fact that this election is almost over and we won’t have to see another political commercial or receive another text for a few years.
Hopefully by the end of the week you are giving gratitude for your candidate winning the race. If they don’t win, hopefully you are giving gratitude to the grace you are exhibiting in that loss. And the wine that is helping take the edge off. Sort of.
These Quiet Nights
We are leaving the tv off one or two nights a week, lighting some candles, putting on our favorite November playlist and reading a holiday book or working on a puzzle.
This New Driving Ritual
This is one of my favorite ways to slow down and savor. Instead of whatever music or podcast you usually listen to while driving, turn on a classical playlist and watch the world slow down.
It feels like you are in the best part of a movie. The part meant to make you soften and smile and have all the feels. You are the main character and it’s the happy part of the movie when whatever you were trying to make happen, happened.
This Soup
Is there a better cold weather meal than a robust soup? Not in this house.
This tortellini soup is our family favorite. It’s a meal. More like a hearty stew than a broth-y soup. I make a salad with it and by a good crust french bread for dipping.
The Saddest Christmas Song
That I can’t stop loving.
These Leggings
I was getting JJ’s birthday gift this past week and Lululemon just happened to be next door to the Yeti store so he got a gift and I got a gift. These mini flare leggings in espresso are perfect for fall. They look great with this oatmeal colored sweater.
The Smell of Christmas
I’m savoring fall with the smell of Christmas. And the sounds too.
This Word
I read a sentence this week written by Sarah Faye about the business of Substacking. “...but I’m seeing people go down to fortnightly.”
fort·night·ly adjective - happening or produced every two weeks.
It’s British. Here in America we say bi-weekly. Which always confuses me because I never know when someone says bi-weekly if they mean every other week or twice in one week, so I looked it up.
Google’s AI results: bi-weekly can mean twice a week but it can also mean every other week.
Fortnightly it is. (Said in my best British accent.)
This, My Christmas List
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This Question For You
Enough about me, tell me, what are you savoring this week my friend?
Will they allow a Highland Cow on your property?
My favorite line in this issue, "Inhale, exhale. It’s all going to get done. It always does. You can either stress it or you can embrace it." SO TRUE. :)